Friday, November 17, 2006

My Management Makeover

I recently took myself up to Collingwood Ontario for an executive retreat. I get these timeshare condos cheap through, and they’re just the ticket for this sort of adventure.

BTW, if you want to know how to get a week’s vacation in a luxurious two-bedroom condo for under US$300, send me an email.

This retreat did not turning out the way I expected. I figured I’d be doing the whole visioning/missioning schtick. I was going to cover the walls of the condo with chart paper and stickies like I sometimes do with my clients…but it seems I was being led in another direction.

See, actually visioning is super-easy for a Creative like me. As soon as I record one idea, five more spring up in its place. Visioning is one of those Essential Leadership Skills I’ve already got in spades. But I need more of those Essential Management Skills like time tracking, task-orientation and list-making that I’ve been exploring in previous posts.

During my time away, I’m studying a fascinating book called “Take Back Your Life!” by Sally McGhee. No I didn’t get it from Oprah - actually, it’s put out by Microsoft. Sally’s book teaches you in very concrete, actionable steps to use Outlook to get organized - so that you can build reserves of time and energy to focus on all the other things you like to do.

I swear I’m going to start selling this book on my website…when I’m organized enough to make it happen!

In the meantime, I’ll collect my thoughts for a future article on this topic…


Blogger Jacqueline Hutchinson said...

I hope you had a great time Lois. thanks for inviting me to speak with your networking group. In amongst my busy schedule it was nice to be able to take a little bit of time just for me...I needed that. Thank you!

12:53 PM  

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